In association with Sad Opera Entertainment and Jetzt, the VSC & Fair Play Concerts Present – Songwriters live at the Acoustic Room.
The Acoustic Room is a monthly event established to help develop and support songwriting and songwriters in Vienna as well as songwriters passing through. The Acoustic Room promotes and presents original artists and performances, to a listening attentive audience and in the most intimate of setting. The Acoustic Room continues to be an important platform in Vienna’s ever growing songwriting scene.
This Months Acts: Isaac Thompson (USA). Alexandra Lulia Soare (ITALY) and Brendan Monaghan (IRELAND).
Irish singer songwriter Brendan Monaghan performs his material at home and in many countries around the world. Monaghan has shared the same bill as many top international artists and has written material for several recording artists. He has released six successful albums on Brambus Records and has received very enthusiastic reviews for his music as he continues to progress in his art form. He has a new EP called “i look to you“ to be released in September 2017.
Der irische Singer Songwriter Brendan Monaghan präsentiert seine Musik sowohl in seiner Heimat als auch in vielen Ländern rund um die Welt. Monaghan hat bereits mit internationalen Spitzenkünstlern gespielt und Songs für andere Musiker geschrieben. Er hat bereits sechs erfolgreiche Alben bei Brambus Records veröffentlicht und für seine Musik enthusiastisches Feedback erhalten. Dabei entwickelt er sich stets weiter in seiner Kunstform. Seine neue EP heisst "i look to you" wird im September 2017 veröffentlicht.
Find out more about Brendan
Alexandra is a singer-songwriter from Venice. As a solo performer in Vienna Alex decided it was time to add a rock vibe to her songs. With punk-rock guitarist Christoph they formed Astronaut Ice Cream, a pop-rock band based here in Austria’s capital. Together they are creating music that will bring you to space… with a flavour of ice cream!
For more information on Alex
Born into a hippie missionary group in Hawaii. But I only ever wrote songs as a way of getting through emotional trouble. I was so scared of getting up in front of people, it almost killed me a few times! The only reason I do get up there is because I believe making music is the best thing I can do with my life! Though it kills me a little to do this. Sometimes I feel the light come through when I sing.
Find out more about Isaac here